
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Oxford, Thus Far

Much to my surprise, Oxford is nothing like the sleepy town I had originally envisioned. In fact, it's turned out to be quite a busy place. Throughout the entire day, the streets are crowed with tourists on holiday. Truth be told, I've struggled to keep up. I can best describe the experience as a constant feeling of sensory overload. I have been totally lost in the beauty of this town. The architecture and the gardens are sublime. I find myself walking the same paths, yet discovering something new each and every time.

At this point though, I will say that I feel fairly well-acclimated to my new, albeit temporary, residence. After the first day, I learned to look left, not right, while crossing the street. I'm also proud to say that I'm no longer tempted by the familiar aroma of the Burger King, although I've yet to treat myself to an obligatory meal of fish and chips.

I'll be spending most of next week acquainting myself with Jane Austin's Mansfield Park as well as matters concerning the Medieval Papacy. Perhaps I'll share some of it with you.

And now, dear reader, please allow me to share with you a brief glimpse out and beyond my window sill.

My desk, already characteristically cluttered:

To the left:

Straight ahead; note the library on the right:

A fierce, barbed-wire lion: